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Autodesk is a leader in 3D design, engineering Autocad software ebay entertainment software. The leased-not-purchased-licensing affects large companies that purchase Autocad software ebay like Oracle and SAP. I should clarify the "morally justifiable" part. Lawyers have to have a license to practice and therefore have to follow strict rules themselves when it comes to billing. Have a Techdirt Account? The question though is do they have the legal right to make the consumer give Autocad software ebay this right, and that is a question for the courts to decide. Subscribe for 3 years and save. Learn more. I bought it at it's full Aec package as I wanted a legit copy. At Autocad software ebay point you have to determine the difference between 'right' and 'wrong. AutoCAD enables users to create, edit, and annotate drawings via desktop, web, and mobile devices. Fri, Autocad software ebay 14th am - Mike Masnick. Use plain text. This is crap. To them, the loss would be worth it. They can blame no one but themselves. Work anywhere with the web and mobile apps. For all I know I sign away the rights to my first unborn child in those things. And frankly I hope that Autodesk loses. This is a huge issue for companies The leased-not-purchased-licensing affects large companies that purchase products like Oracle and SAP. Unlock more efficient workflows. Students and educators can get free one-year educational access to Autodesk products and services, renewable for as long as you remain eligible. For the last three years I have purchased more than 3 pieces of software from Amazon sellers and I never had a problem.