How much is Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2021

Frequently asked questions. Automatic new feature updates. Back to top. Compare Microsoft small and midsized business plans up AutoCAD 2016 pricing users. For complete requirements for PC and Mac see system requirements. The latest version, Office for Mac, is now available to Microsoft subscribers as part of your subscription. Didn't match my screen. The Office applications available for Mac users and the version numbers may be different from those available for PC users. Support when you need it Get access to call or chat support around the clock with Microsoft experts. What's the difference? What is the difference between Microsoft subscription plans and Office as a one-time purchase? You can choose to pay for your subscription on a monthly or yearly basis. This deal went live for Black Friday and expired, but it's back How much is Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2021 a limited time to this all-time low price. Yes No. I hope that you are keeping safe and well! Classic Office apps. Manage Microsoft Install Microsoft on more than one computer Mac or PC. Microsoft Apps for enterprisethe cloud-connected version of MicrosoftSiemens nx pricing the most productive and most secure Microsoft experience—with the lowest total cost of ownership for deployment and management.