Windows 11 Pro license

Close Privacy Overview This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. If you associated or signed onto a Microsoft Account or associated your MSA with your digital CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2021 pricing, that will Windows 11 Pro license your MSA containing the digital license. Some Windows 10 features are not available in Windows 11, see Windows 11 Specifications. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Incorrect instructions. If Windows 11 refuses to install without a product key, or installs a Windows 11 Pro license edition, you can specify the appropriate generic key. What are the minimum hardware requirements for Windows 11? Can I stay on Windows 10? Frequently asked questions. Lo and behold, it activated as soon as we entered the code, with no phone call required. Buying genuine Windows 10 from the Microsoft Store app Digital license When purchasing from Microsoft Store, a confirmation email was sent to confirm the purchase. If you don't have a digital license, you can use a product key to activate. We thought activating via phone would be an automated process where we just punched in the key and got an approval code, but instead we got a live representative who immediately asked for our Microsoft account ID. Join Windows Insider Program. Do my accessories work with Windows 11? You are done. See all comments 6.